How To Backup WordPress Site And Database Using Cpanel Safely

How To Backup WordPress Site And Database Using cPanel Safely?

How to backup my website? This is the question which worries many bloggers. It’s always recommended that for your vulnerable period you should have the backup of your website and database.

Many bloggers face problem while doing the backup manually. It’s because many Web Hosts don’t provide automatic backup service. Their clients need to do it their own. In this post, I am going to let you know that you can backup your website very easily.

You have to do the backup using cPanel. You may have provided cPanel from your Web Host using which you can do the full backup for your website which includes your database, home directory and much more. There are some simple steps you have to take for the completion of this process.

How to do the backup using cPanel?

As I have mentioned above that you have to use the cPanel you have provided by your Web Host company. Follow the below-written steps:

Step 1). Log in to your cPanel and go to your accounts area and cPanel. You will find many different sections. Just go to Backups Manager and click to “create backup”. A new window will come in front of you.

Step 2). Here you will see the option to do the full backup of your WordPress site with the database. You will see an option to “download and generate a full website backup”. If you want to do the full backup then click the option and again a new screen will come in front of you.

Step 3). If any backup is already available for download then you will see it under the message “Backups Available For Download”.

And if no backup file is shown then you have to generate your backup file which can be done by clicking at “Generate Backup”. You will be given options to fill your e-mail to get notifications after the completion of backup. You can choose the destination for your backup file.

As backup is in an RAR file which you have to download. After the completion of this backup, one file will go to the destination you choose and another will be downloaded to your computer. I suggest you to choose “Home Directory” so that you can find it easily later when you need it.

Step 4). After clicking at “Generate Backup” a new message showing that full backup is in progress will be shown to you. After waiting for some time if you have to click on “Go back” option.

Step 5). You will notice that you have one backup file in the queue to download. Click at the file and your download will start.


How to do the partial backup using cPanel?

I have explained about doing backup your website completely. Now here I am to tell you that you can do the partial backup for your website. This partial backup will consist only the ‘home directory’ of your website.

As I have mentioned above that you have to go to backups manager->create backup and a new window will appear to you.

Here you will see that the downward side you have the option to do partial backup for your website. Click on “Home Directory” your partial backup will start.

Now it’s up to you that you want to do backup WordPress site and Database or just Home Directory

Having the backup of your website is really important. If you face some hard time then you will in need to upload you full data again which can be only done if you have the backup.

You can do the backup using cPanel very easily but still if you face any problem then you can contact me. I will try to solve your problem at my best.:)

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    I guess I am welcomed back with my comments. The more I read your posts, the more I understand why your blog name is BloggingLove. You’re indeed in love with blogging.

    With regards to having a back up for your wordpress is indeed a must and this post has answered it all with respect to how to go about it.

    Thanks for this and do have a great day.

    1. Hey Emmanuel,

      You are always welcomed at my blog.:)

      Yeah! I love blogging a lot. I try my best to provide the content which can help others.

      Bloggers should take care of their websites and should have backup for their website. They never know when will they face any difficult time in which their backup will help them a lot to restore their website.

      I am glad to see you after long time.

      Have a happy weekend ahead.:)


  2. Hi Ravi

    Very techie post in simple to understand terms. If someone has signed in once in his control panel he can easily follow all these steps without any problem.

    Initially bloggers don’t care much to make a back up of their blog. Sometime they get busy in publishing and promoting so much so they forget to secure their blog once they have developed a huge data on it.

    So it is better to follow the guidelines of this post from the beginning and make this regular feature working forever to create a backup at regular intervals.

    Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful post as after contents, SEO and promotion the next challenging task in blogging is to secure your efforts.

    1. Hi Muba,

      You are right. Once bloggers log in to their cPanel they can follow the steps for the completion of any process.

      For beginners it’s hard to do such techie things because one of the reason is fear. Most of newbies are afraid to checkout their cPanel but in my opinion they should try to do everything as their own.

      Bloggers get engaged in publishing their blog post and forget and having backup of their website. It’s always recommended that bloggers should have backup for their security to be used in future.

      Thanks for dropping your input.

      Have a nice week ahead.:)


  3. Hello Ravi,

    Another useful tip comes from you. Back Up is always an major concerned for every blogger. And It should be done on a regular basis. Because if anything problem happens to your blog, then you may loose your entire data. So, We can see the importance of Back Up.

    Thanks to you for showing step by step procedure of Backup of a WordPress site using Cpanel. Lots of bloggers will get benefit after going through your post.

    Keep posting such an innovative post. All The Best.



    1. Hi Swapnadip,

      For bloggers who don’t have their web hosting which provide automatic backup, they should do their backup by their own.

      And cPanel is the way by which they can do that. There are some simple steps required for doing the backup.

      It’s really important to have backup of your website.

      Thanks a lot for your comment.:)

      Have a good week ahead.


  4. Yet another useful and well written post by you Ravi,

    The screenshots added by you made this topic easy to understand.

  5. Hi Ravi,

    You’re absolutely right – backup is an absolute necessity for bloggers. Aha!NOW runs on Hostgator and we do also back up our site in the way that you’ve described. However, this does inflate your web space as the backup is store on your own server.

    You’ve nicely illustrated the entire process so that the process becomes a piece of cake just for anybody. Thanks for sharing this post !

    1. Hi Vinay,

      You don’t need to worry about the load you have at your server when we talk about backup.

      As i have explained in the post that you can download your backup in your computer in the form of a rar file. The copy of the backup you have at your server can be deleted. Whenever you are in need, you can upload your backup from your computer.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Good to see you again.:)

      Enjoy your day.


  6. Hi Ravi,

    Thank you so much for explaining how to back up WordPress in a way that I can understand! You know me by now and I get so confused when it comes to technical issues.

    I don’t know if my guy does this for me and I will ask him. Now if it is not part of his service, I can do it myself with confidence. I know this must be done often, but anywhere I have ever looked made it sound like rocket science.

    You have explained it so well and I thank you,


    1. Hi Donna,

      You know there are many web hosting companies which provide daily backup. If your’s provide the same then you don’t need to worry about anything. if not then you should do it as your own using cPanel.

      Come on Donna, there is nothing too hard to handle cPanel. It’s like playing with your cards.

      Just handle it with some care and after all we should take some risk to learn more.;)

      Thanks for your wonderful comment.:)


  7. Hi Ravi,

    Honestly, I am not really understand about cPanel. Thanks to this post that give me a clue about what benefits I can have from it. You surely do love to blog.

    Wish you enjoy the week

    1. Hi Okto,

      There is nothing tough about using cPanel. It’s just you need to take some steps to do any process.

      Thanks a lot for your visit.

      You too have a great week.:)


  8. Hey Ravi,

    Thank you for this wonderful and easy way to back up my wordpress. I have always been a little scared that if I didn’t have a backup that I would lose everything. I am pretty sure that I would be devastated…

    You did a great job explaining it, to where even I could understand… Which is great for me since I am a little technically challenged!

    I truly appreciate you teaching this because it is something that everyone who is a blogger, or even has a database with a lot of information needs to know!

    Always get the best tech tips here! Thanks again Ravi!

    Hope the rest of your week is great!

    All the best,

    Jeff Sollee

    1. Hi Jeff,

      WordPress is little bit technical and there are few things you need to know about it using cPanel.

      It’s very easy to maintain your website using cPanel.

      Having a backup of your database is really important. There are chances that after some mishappening you may lost your database.

      Thanks a lot for coming here and dropping your comment.

      Glad to see you again.;)

      You too enjoy your week ahead.


  9. Hi Ravi,

    Its very important to know about wordpress,

    The steps you shared here, Its very easy way to backup wordpress data.

    Thanks for sharing,

  10. Taking a backup of website data is essential so that you don’t regret later.

    You have written a detailed tutorial which will be useful to many.

    For self hosted WordPress it is better that we understand cPanel.

    Keep up the good work ?

    1. Hi Shabnam,

      Many bloggers don’t try to learn about the cPanel of their web host but regret after sometime.

      Backing up the database is really important and bloggers should have their backup. Doing the backup of their comments which can be done with the full backup consisting database too.

      Thanks for coming here.:)

      Have an amazing week.


  11. Hi Ravi,

    Nice to see this helpful guide on your Blog. You have written This Post . It’s looking like very well explained . I really love to your way of Writing to explain anything for readers.

    1. Hi Priya,

      Welcome to my blog.:)

      Having a backup is always important to be safe.

      You know a well organized post has the magic to attract readers. Good stuff always lead.;)

      Thanks for taking time to comment.

      Hope to see you again.

      Have a nice week.:)


  12. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for the great tutorial. I usually keep my WordPress blog backup using WordPress Plugin. Now find here a new way to create backup manually. Hope it will help me. ?

  13. Hi Ravi, I certainly learned about this when I almost lost my entire website to a plugin that did not work with the theme I had on WordPress. This is so important to do after a new post or at least every few days to save all those comments as well. Thanks for sharing this tutorial. I’ve never done just the home directory, what would be that purpose? Thanks!

    1. Hey Lisa,

      Yeah! it’s good to do backup after writing any post or within some days.

      Bloggers should make a schedule to prepare for the backup of their whole website.

      There are two different fields i.e database and your main home directory. If you have noticed while opening your file manager from your cPanel you may need to click at web root directory, home directory and few others. By default you will have at web directory which can say public_html.

      But if you open home directory then you will find the files regarding your cloudflare, passwords and many more.

      You can have it separately.

      Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts.:)

      Enjoy your week.:)


  14. Hi Ravi,

    Just a great tutorial and for a long time I didn’t backuped my blog and I was trying to follow through here with you but I totally forgot my password.

    I guess I have to call my hosting company to have them reset it for me.

    Thanks for a great share. As soon as I get my new password, I will come back here and follow the steps. Thanks for the help and reminder.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week.

    Be Blessed,


    1. Hi Neamat,

      Welcome back to my blog after long time.:)

      To access your cPanel you need to have your password. Try to get new password from your web hosting company.

      Backing up your website is really important to have a safe side for your website.

      Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts.

      You too enjoy your week.:)


  15. Very nice post which is required by everyone. We all need to take back up of our websites regularly to stay on safer side. You have presented a very nice tutorial here Ravi.

  16. Hi Ravi Chahar,

    Great article infact most of the newbies don’t care about this issue. Due to this some times they face some serious problems regarding backups. No doubt you share some great tips through which everyone can easily create the backups for their blogs.

    Thanks for sharing such an excellent article.

    1. Hi Mairaj,

      Good to know that you liked the post.:)

      Bloggers should have backup of their website for sure. Taking good steps are always recommended.:)

      Thanks a lot for your input.

      Have a good day.:)


  17. Hi Ravi,

    This is huge and something I thought I was going to need in the not to far future.

    Backups are like having car insurance. When have to have it just in case something unfortunate happens and we have to get a major repair or something.

    I like how detailed you are in your steps and the pictures are great as well. You really made it easy to understand!

    Thanks for this Ravi! Have a good one!

    1. Hi Steven,

      I like the example you have given about the car insurance.:)

      It’s similar like that for your blog. In any bad time you may need the backup of your website so it’s better to have it with you for safe side.

      Thanks a lot for your visit.

      Hope to see you again.:)


  18. Hey Ravi,

    This is how I backup my blog every single day. I go in to cpanel and go to the methods that you were explaining.

    I quit using plugins for this a long time ago because they just quit working properly. I just rely on this method and do it daily. I backup my full blog on a monthly basis and it’s been working beautifully.

    I think this is the smartest thing to do that way you never have to worry about anything not working ever again.

    Thanks for the step-by-step instructions, great job.


    1. Hi Adrienne,

      There may be many plugins to backup our website but as you said there is always a ear that plugins may not work well.

      While using cPanel we don’t need to worry about anything. We just need to follow the step by step tutorial and finally we will have our backup with us.

      The most useful thing is that bloggers can get two copy of the backup dependent upon the destination they choose while doing the process.

      Thanks a lot for your wonderful comment.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  19. Hi Ravi, This is so timely for me. I accidentally updated to the latest version of WordPress and it broke my blog. My hosting company, which was supposed to automatically do weekly back up, had skipped this week so I would have lost nearly 2 weeks of content and comments.

    You can’t assume that this will be done for you. Best to do it yourself every so often.

    Thanks for this excellent explanation at the perfect time, Ravi!

    1. Hi Carolyn,

      You know there are many web hosting companies which don’t provide backup service.

      Those which provide should be responsible for their work because any plugin may broke your blog so it’s necessary to have backup to restore it again.

      Do it yourself because when you do it yourself you don’t think about your web hosting company whether they have done it or not?

      Glad to see you.:)

      Have a wonderful week ahead.


  20. Hi Ravi; This is a great tutorial, but I must admit that I’ve made it easy on myself by installing the “Backup to Dropbox” plug in. Since I’m not that knowledgeable technically, I also thought it was worth it – only $20.00 a year – to get the “Backup and Restore Pro” service from Bluehost. Left to my own devices, I would no doubt screw it up. ?

    1. Hi Debbie,

      You know there are many ways to backup your website. You may totally rely on your web hosting provider or you may take it in your hand.

      I prefer to do it manually as my own because it’s risk free.

      Using any plugin is quite great.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  21. Hi Ravi,

    What a great post to backup your blog using cpanel. You described this method in such a way where anyone can understand it and I really do appreciate that as I am not a technical person.

    It is so important to have a backup system in place so we don’t loose our data. That would be heart breaking.

    Thank you for sharing Ravi and you have an awesome rest of the week!


    1. Hey Linda,

      Welcome to my blog.

      I am glad to see you here.:)

      Most of the time bloggers forget about backup of their website and database. Bloggers just concentrate on writing more and more. But they should keep their blog safe for hard times. Having a backup is beneficial. Suppose if you break your website by mistake then you can recover it using the backup of your website and database.

      Thanks for your input.

      Have a wonderful day.


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